Today Dave and I went to the Australian Zoo which is well known for being the home for the family of Steve Irwin. For those who don't know who he was; well he used to have a TV show called "the Crocodile Hunter;" where was would actually wrestle crocs and take on poisonous snakes and come face to face with any other dangerous/non dangerous animal. Well Dave and I were able to check out the croc/snake show at the exhibit, as well as hang out with some kangaroos in Roo Heaven, and pet some koalas nesting in the trees.

Koalas are the cutest but laziest things I have ever come across, all they so is sleep in eat (mostly sleep). But they are so cuddly. I just want to take one home with me. Unfortunately Canada is lacking in its ability to grow eucalyptus trees to feed these amazing animals. I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with seeing them at the zoo. It was was great seeing all the amazing things the zoo does for wild and hurt animals. Everything there is to help protect and educate about wild and dangerous animals. You can tell Australia is proud of their local icon Steve and I was lucky enough to get a picture with him, even though he has past on. We love you Steve.

Luv Jenn
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