Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Home - 15 Royal Ave South Golden Beach NSW

Wow, sorry everyone. It's been a long time since I have posted anything lately. Well a lot of new things have happened. On february 1st I move once again, however, this time it was a move the the east coast just north of Byron Bay. I'm litterally a 3 minute walk to the beach and it is beautiful. I'm not working thing month so everyday I can go to the beach, go for walks, read, and do pretty much whatever I want. Dave has left me his car which is great so I can check out different towns and even go back to Brisbane for a day or two to see everyone again. I moved into a one bedroom basement apartment (it's a little dodgy) and once in a while I'm not alone and am comforted by giant spiders, cockroaches, and or lizards. It keeps my life interesting haha. As long as no snakes show up I should be fine. The spray kills all the other pests. I plan on doing one or two trips this month, probably going to spend all of my money but thankfully I have a job to go back to when I go back to the city. Unfortunately, in my room, my internet service is terrible so everytime I want to go online, I have to sit in the car to get service which is quite annoying. Its great being by the beach but it a little to remote to be by myself. If I am to do this again, I would defintely go somewhere where there are more people... probably like surfer's paradise or coolangatta (same coast just not as far south).

Anyways, Until next time,

luv Jenn

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