Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sydney for Christmas

I was fortunate enough to get some time off of work for the Christmas holidays this year. My roommate, Carissa, had her heart set on going to the famous Bondi Beach for Christmas day. In our minds, we pictured hot weather, warm sandy beaches with beautiful rolling waves and a lot of good looking people haha. However, what we got was rain and more rain with a side of cool winds. However, we made the best of it by enjoying ourselves Christmas eve at the Scubar club right beside one of Sydney's Hostels. There we met up with some friends from Fiji and had a great night, with Santa coming in at midnight handing out gifts. It was great spending time with all the other Christmas Orphans this year haha. Christmas day we heading to Bondi Beach in our sweater and shorts, shivering all day. We saw the beach through the misty rain and decided to have some hot chocolate and bailey's inside the warm restaurant. We then proceeded to have an amazing Christmas dinner, Pizza from Domino's with some fine entertainment, watching 'the Hangover.' Boxing day was spent travelling the city, where we went a saw the Opera House, taking pictures of us jumping down the miles of stairs. We saw the Sydney harbour bridge and people doing the bridge climb. However, my favourite was the Darling Harbour. It is a beautiful water front with many nice restaurants and a nice skyline. It is definitely a place where I would love to sit and people watch. That night, the girls and I went out for a nice dinner in the city and then went out for our final night to a awesome bar called Ivy. The next day the party was over, we packed up all our stuff, went out for some breakfast, and then hit the airport for our long 1.5 hour flight.

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