Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Three Days

DAY #1: I now have a new found respect for those who travel overseas for their occupation. Fourteen hours in a plane is not normal, and should never be foisted upon anyone. However, I was lucky that it was roughly 4am Canadian time when i finally got on the plane so I was able to sleep four 9 hours straight. However, with sleeping that long meant I also didn't eat for about 18 hours staight. Time changes longer than 3 hours can really mess with your head and body. It has been three days now and I am just finally starting to sleep past 4:30am. Maybe I'll actually get up at a decent time tomorrow so I'm not exhausted before dinner. :)

For now, I am living with my cousin Kim and her awesome roomates. They have made me feel very welcome, have been showing me the ropes while Kim is working, and have already planned some fun events for the following weeks.

Tonight we are celebrating a friend of Kim's birthday. Going back all the way to the 80s. It should be a good time. I will post some pictures tomorrow of the event.

Cheers for now

Luv Jenn

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