Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Byron Bay - New South Wales

On Monday and Tuesday, Kim, Kaitlin, Erin, and I travelled to Byron Bay. We left early Monday morning, after packing up some foods and lots of water, and headed south for hour 1hr 45min drive. We did have a pit stop in a little town called Pottsville, where we filled up with gas and drove past a snake that was road kill. What's funny is when you drive on a motorway (highway) here, you don't see 'watch out for deer' signs, they have 'koala crossing' signs. I was hoping to see a wild koala bear but no luck as of yet. We finally made it to Byron Bay around 10:00am. It's a small town that kind of has a Port Perry/Banff feel to hit. Just much more sand floating around. After grabbing some Subway to bring to the beach, we found our motel and headed for some fun in the sand. I wish my words and pictures could actually show how amazing this place really is. At one part of the 5 minute drive to the beach, we were on top of a cliff, and you could look out and see the part of beach and the beautiful blue water of the pacific ocean with the mountains far in the distance highlighting the horizon with the white cap waves brushing up to the white sand. Byron Bay is known for its beaches but also for the fact that it is the most eastern point of Australia. On top of one of the cliffs is the lighthouse in which the most spectacular views can be seen. We were also able to watch a couple of people go hang-gliding which I could only imagine how amazing it would be. I might have to try that sometime during my adventures here. After hours of sunning in the cloudless sky, we decided to go for a walk along the coast and were able to take some pictures of the waves crashing into the rocks. Around 4:00pm, we decided to head out, Kaitlin was getting up and but then points out to the water. About 500m off the coast were some whales jumping out of the water and slashing their fins around. It had to be the best way to end off that day at the beach. For dinner the girls and I went to the Rog's breath Cafe, known for their steak, which non of us had, and then continued to the Cheeky Monkey for a few drinks, where the bartender was actually from New Market Ontario. Go figure. Tuesday we went back to the beach for some more sun and sand, and then mosied back to Brisbane later the afternoon. Needless to say, I will definitely be going back to Byron Bay when I get the chance.

Luv Jenn

Botanical Gardens - Brisbane

On Sunday I caught up with Kim Brinkman at South Bank. We took a walk through the market, listened to some street music, and checked out the shops. We then ventured over the bridge to the Botanical Gardens in Brisbane. The most amazing trees and flowers can be found in Australia. My favourite had to be the huge fig trees that would branch straight out for meters and would grow new roots once the branch was getting to heavy. When I saw these trees, the first thing that came to mind was that this would be the perfect spot to build a large tree house and live like the Robertsons. Of course, Kim and I couldn't leave the gardens without climbing at least one tree. So there we were, slowing climbing our way up the giant tree, checking each step and hand grab carefully for spiders or any other type of creepy crawling thing. I also enjoyed my first experience with an Australian delicacy; the Kebab. This is a delicious grilled wrap with either thin slices or chicken, lamb, or both with all the fillings. It was absolutely amazing. Soon after, Kim and I split ways to finish off the day.

Until Tuesday,

Luv Jenn

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Stay on the Left

Since being in Australia, the one phrase that i live by and keeps me out of trouble is the following; Stay on the left. This is good for walking on streets, in the mall, or anywhere for that matter. Today, however, I was lucky enough to experience my Stay to the left mantra while driving. Kimmie and her roomies were running a little late for school and asked if I would like to drive them. I, wanting to help them out, hesitantly agreed to drive them the 5 minute distance from the school. I am proud to say, not only did I not die, I didn't run the car or any other cars off the road, hit any pedestrians, or enter into the wrong lane. I would loved to provide a picture, but I thought I would be pushing my luck trying to drive and take a picture at the same time. Hopefully, in my days to come, I will become proficient in my left side driving abilities.

Keep on truckin'

Luv Jenn

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Sunday Stroll

Today I was excited to go the Hillsong Church in Brisbane. After taking an hour to walk there in the intense heat, I was able to enjoy the upbeat and emotional worship band in front of hundreds of fellow Christians. What was amazing is that in that one church, roughly 90 countries in the world were represented. It is definitely and amazing sight. After the services was over, I walked into the welcome center and met a few other young adults that were members. They were quite welcoming and even offered me a ride home, which I snapped up in a second.

When I finally got back home, Kim and I decided to go to South Bank, in the city. We jumped onto the bus for the 17 minute express ride there and enjoyed the pleasures of the man made beach and swimming area. The Sun was quite hot, being 30 degrees outside but I have been told, it will only get worse (or better if you like it hot). After dosing on the beach for a few hours and getting pooped on by a stupid seagal, we headed over the bridge into the city to visit the shops at Queen's Street. We then continued back over the Brisbane River, which is infested with Bull sharks, and went back home. Unfortunately, the river water is quite murky and I was unable to spot any sharks. Maybe I'll have better luck at the Ocean.


Luv Jenn

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Footy in Brisbane - Bronco's vs.Dragons

First True Australian Event

This morning was a little bit of a wash as all we did was clean up after the big party last night. However, I was actually able to sleep in till about 9:30. I might finally be over the jetleg but i won't push it yet. Tonight, Kaitlyn, Kim, Nick, Dave, Sam, Brody and I enjoyed an intense rugby game in the city. Seeing as this was my first rugby game that I have ever seen, my knowledge and understanding of the game were not quite up to par. BUT, with the boys' help, i caught on pretty quickly. I know that number 5, a Mr. W is not the crowds favourite player as he switched teams last year to join the Dragons. I also now know what a stadium of just over 50,000 people looks like. All-in-all, I had a great time, a lot of laughs, and some good cheers.

Until next time

luv Jenn

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Three Days

DAY #1: I now have a new found respect for those who travel overseas for their occupation. Fourteen hours in a plane is not normal, and should never be foisted upon anyone. However, I was lucky that it was roughly 4am Canadian time when i finally got on the plane so I was able to sleep four 9 hours straight. However, with sleeping that long meant I also didn't eat for about 18 hours staight. Time changes longer than 3 hours can really mess with your head and body. It has been three days now and I am just finally starting to sleep past 4:30am. Maybe I'll actually get up at a decent time tomorrow so I'm not exhausted before dinner. :)

For now, I am living with my cousin Kim and her awesome roomates. They have made me feel very welcome, have been showing me the ropes while Kim is working, and have already planned some fun events for the following weeks.

Tonight we are celebrating a friend of Kim's birthday. Going back all the way to the 80s. It should be a good time. I will post some pictures tomorrow of the event.

Cheers for now

Luv Jenn