Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hi Everyone,
Its been a while since I've posted anything interesting so I think I'm about due. I have been here for over a month now, getting used to the Aussie culture, meeting a lot of new and interesting (and not so interesting) people and just having a good time. I haven't been able to do many trips yet which is frustrating but now that I have a job, it just means the trips will be delayed for a few months while i make some money to support them. I an going to Fiji in three weeks and am definitely looking forward to it. October has been pretty quiet it for me. It was my birthday on the 21st when I turned 24. The girls and I decided to have lovely dinner at Dicey's (the pub Kim works at) at which Kim surprised me with an amazing piece of Cheesecake... yummm! It was a pretty low key birthday, but I was in the mood for that. It's hard to celebrate an event like that when friends and family aren't around but the girls did a great job at looking after me. :) I'm currently composing list of things that I would like to accomplish while I am away. I think I have convinced a few people into going sky diving with me. Don't worry Mom, I'll be coming back home in one piece. I'm also going to check out some rock climbing (hopefully) Kangaroo Point. While working at Jojo's, I have made some good connections, so when I do actually travel, I'll have people to visit and places to stay. Things are going very well despite a few bad days here and there. I just wanted to say that I miss everyone back home and appreciate all the happy thoughts and facebook hugs sent my way.

Luv ya


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Back to Work Already

So I decided is was time for me to get a job in the city. Thinking this was going to be a long and tedious task, I took the bus to Brisbane and walked down Queen Street. The first place I went to was Jojo's Restaurant. I went up the stairs, walked straight up to the front desks and asked if they were hiring. The manager looked over my resume, looked at me and then asked if I was able to do a trial run the following day. So there it is.. in a matter of 15 minutes I have a job. Why can't that happen at home. I a now a casual worker at Jojo's being a drink server. It's a pretty sweet deal.

Workin' in style,

luv Jenn.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanksgiving in the Outback

Being here, i definitely miss certain aspects of the Canadian culture. Thanksgiving does not exist down here. There aren't any freezers full of turkeys, red leaf centerpieces, or smells of Cinnamon and cider lingering throughout the stores. It was quite saddening, but, spur of the moment, the girls called me up and asked if I could help prepare an Aussie thanksgiving dinner. We cooked up some ham with pineapple, chicken stuffed with homemade stuffing, cooked carrots, mashed potatoes, with an amazing platter of homemade desserts. To top it off was some great boxed white wine (aka goon) and amazing company. After starting the cooking, I went to pick the girls up from school. And, of course, on the way back, about 300 feet from the house, a police car pulls me over. I wasn't really sure why, as I was definitely not speeding and all the girls had their seat belts on. So i pulled over to the left side (I panicked for a minute because i wasn't sure where I was to pull over) and the cops, in their checkered uniform, came over. Apparently, I had to participate in a random Breathalyzer test that they do regularly in Queensland. I would like to point out that it was about 6pm and that I did NOT have anything to drink. The cops looked at my Ontario licence (confused) asked me where i lived, which i continued to point to the house across the street and then told them about Canadian thanksgiving. We were going to invite them but figured they were to busy working. We got home and then destroyed our dinner. It was amazing.

thanksgiving salutations,

luv Jenn

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mitchelton - Part Two

Went to visit Kim again the other day. Turns out Wednesdays is sports night at the YWAM campus and everyone came out for a great game of soccer. Finally, I was able to get some great excercise for two hours and meet many new people from all over the world. The next day, groups of us were helping with the new house on campus. We hung up curtains, replaced locks, painted, and moved a lot of furniture with a wonderful and reliable vehicle known as 'the beast.' I was pleasently surprised that the vehicle was able to make it down the street without falling apart. after all that hard work, I was rewarded with an amazing dinner and great company. Unfortunately, I was unable to take pictures as I was too busy helping out, but the new house looks great.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mitchelton - YWAM Base

This afternoon I decided to go and visit Kim at the YWAM base in Mitchelton. Not quite knowing the transit system, I took the bus the to the train station and ended up going on the wrong train. I was able to push away my pride and actually ask someone for directions (a trait I'm sure that i got from my mom), so I got off the train at the next station. Thankfully, the correct train was on the same platform only 5 minutes behind. Once in Mitchelton (after my 1hr of travelling) I met up with Kim and checked out her digs. We then walked to the actual YWAM training facility, picked up Nathan (or Gil as he likes to be called) and went to Brian and Lisa's house for dinner. This was the best dinner I have had since arriving in Australia. We had amazingly cooked steak with roasted potatoes and roasted squash and freshly made bread. Needless to say, I will definitely be going back there for dinner. After the good food and conversation, I had to catch the train and the bus and made it back home. Tomorrow I am spending another beautiful day at South Bank to enjoy the sun and the sand.

Until then...

Luv Jenn